Friday, 7 August 2009

So ive been on holiday for the past week.
I've been VERY lucky to go on a cruise round the eastern Med.
it was AMAZING.

Ive visited:

Pretty much mind blowing places 2bh.

But it came to me, whilst in venice, sat on a boat ride around the grand canal.....that we must be in hundreds of other peoples photos, ya'know like in the background or something....

then i began to think about the tours we went on, and how a guide would point something specific out, and then everyone would photograph this....

i wonder how many pictures of the same things there are.....

i would like to consider myself as a bit of a photographer, i LOVE taking pictures, and i was thinking of purchasing a professional camera....but when i was away, i couldnt believe the amount of people i saw with big cameras, nikon, or canon etc etc etc.

it made me realise and think about how accessable photography has become...and how its now a "cheaper" hobby, and less of a skill.

you could take 100 pictures, and delete any of the rubbish ones, you dont even have to have them printed....but when film was used, you had maybe 24 shots which all had to be well thought out, and used.

so yeah.
fun holidayyy :):)

Oh & i passed my driving test just before i went :)

Saturday, 18 July 2009

SO i have like...5 obsessions in life.
1) Music/Live music
2) Peppermint/Minty smells&taste.
3) Harry Potter
4) Stamps
5) Custard
(6) Lana Lee)
So i was a VERY HAPPY GIRL when my boss bought me fruit and custard to eat.
Best day ever!

My sister is going through some crazy cool stage in her teenage years.
She dyed her hair, but it started going ginger.
we went to see harry potter & then went and purchased some hair dye.
"Black Cherry"
Ive never dyed hair before, it was therefore a bit of an experiment.....
it turned out quite well if i do say so myself.
And it was rather fun.
ANYHOW, some pictures we took.
It looks like ive KILLED someone from the colour of my gloves!
If anyone wants me to dye their hair, GIMME A SHOUT!
Well adding "hair dying" to my skills list ;D

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Nice to see you smile :)

Greggs- Retarder plan.

Yeah i liked that.

Vintage FTW.

Bloody recession.

A selection of photos from leeds.

Ive had this for bare years.

But it still makes me giggle everytime i read it.
Im happy to say. IM NOT A KNOCK-OFF NIGEL!

What an achivement ehy?
So yeahh.
About 2months later.
I finally decide on a concept for my blog.
Erm yeah im slow i know. But ive got TONNES of time on my hands now...

So apart from random outbursts of thoughts, im going to scan loads of crap and whap it on here, along with all the random photos i take.
Im a bit of a collector of cack & a photographer of amusing things, so here will be where it all ends up, and not just stored on my laptop.


Best get crack-a-lacking.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Sooo, im just jumping on the bandwagon of having a blog.
Seems like a fun idea.
Not sure yet, what im going to do with it, but im sure i can find some crap to upload and share.

I'll be in touch.